I have always admired the architect/design firm Austin Patterson Disston, so when I opened up my brand new Traditional Home, I knew why. This home in Oyster Bay, NY is simple beautiful. Combined with Stuart Disston's excellent classical architectural sensibility and Eliza Gatfield's fun, but still traditional design, this home is a real visual treat.

Apparently no two fabrics are the same on these chairs, yet they all work with each other.

Gatfield has a ten year old daughter. What a lucky girl!

I'm someone who completely falls in love when they see wire in the cabinets, but then, when there is fabric behind it as well...? It takes away from what could become really bulky and overpowering cabinetry.

Have you ever seen anything more graceful? The small porthole window on your way down must look out onto one of the many great views of Long Island Sound.

This is quite a large kitchen but Ms
Gatfield loves to cook and bake with her daughter so they need room for all the necessary accouterments. She has custom refrigerators and freezers too and wanted white appliances so that the kitchen was updated but didn't look too industrial.

The subway tile extends all the way down to the baseboard and up to the ceiling. HOT.

Here is another great use for wallpaper if you have a ton of it around your house (like me!). Instead of painting the back of a bookcase, you could line it with different wall papers. Each space is a different little moment.
Disston made sure that there were plenty of windows throughout the house so that you didn't miss any of the great view. I love the color scheme in the master bedroom. The blues, reds, and creams are so endearing and comfortable.

Pretty faded rugs sit on top of her well worn hard wood floors.

Don't you all just love that chandelier? I wish I could see how the light hits it in person.

This room has a soft mossy feel to it.

Another great view, inside and outside!
If you read this blog you know I love traditional design so of course I love this home. I think it has a fresh updated look without looking forced though. I think it is important to see that in terms of fabrics geometrics are not the only way to liven up a traditional style. As much as I love the green trellis pattern that we see everywhere, these fabrics accomplish a similar goal. I was also happy that simply because this home was by the water, it wasn't covered in grass cloth and sisal (I probably would have loved it just the same though!). What do you guys think? Love? Hate? (All images are from Traditional Home.)Alicia B.
Oh Love! I must give my Traditional Home mag another spin. Sometimes I flip through so quickly that I miss out on stuff.
Gotta say my favorite part is the cabinets with the fabric. Unbelievably beautiful!
I wonder what the outside of it looks like?
The outside is so pretty too! http://www.traditionalhome.com/design_decorating/howwelive/gatfield-house_1.html I love the little turret on the right side where that amazing staircase is.
Wonderfully designed. The dome shape architecture also features a lot of natural light, and the interior is stylish and light. The staircase, of course, is just amazing.
Such a gorgeous space! Even though I'm not the biggest chef, I LOVE the kitchen - it's pretty perfect :)
That staircase is BEAUTIFUL!
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