...of interior design. Ever since Prince William and Kate Middleton got engaged (and stole our thunder.), there has been SUCH a buzz about sapphires. I suppose when the most influential people in the world get engaged with a 1000 carat sapphire, it will come into fashion in a very big way. I love Kate's style as well as her ring--she always has cute dresses and hats. I read an article that said that sapphire blue interiors would be everywhere for the next few years. I'm on board.

Okay so let's face it, blue is timeless no matter what shade it is. Will Kate and Will change a lot? Yes. I hope so. I do love that deep sapphire blue color--I hope that there are tons of shades of it everywhere in fashion, fabric, and design (you know, more than usual!).
Alicia B.
I have a sapphire engagement ring too, but not quite so big:-)!
Love the collection of blue rooms especially the office. I can't seem to get my office to look stylish even tho it is a nice space! Lots of kid made desk accessories and clutter. Oh well
Sapphires are beautiful! And let's face it nobody's desk STAYS that way--you'd never do any work that way!!
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