I promised you last week that I'd show you some of my fave pics from our adventure in Newport so here are some! I can't believe its been a week already--this week has flown by, right?? Newport and the drive up had some of the most beautiful foliage I have seen all season. The leaf on the dashboard is one that we picked up. I'm the kind of person that pics up leaves, rocks and shells when I go places. 
I fell COMPLETELY in love with this little house with a yellow door. It was built in the 1700s and was SO precious. I plan on moving into it in the next few years.

This house is right next door to it and also SUPER cute although it was larger and didn't have a yellow door. Oh well, you win some and you lose some, right?

All the big manses (mansions) had amazing rought-iron gates. I believe this one is at The Elms.

This is the gate (one of a few) that lets you into the Breakers!

Along the harbour there were the cutest shops and restaurants. Don't hate me but I'm not a chocolate lover, though I liked how they were making it in the front window. Very charming.
I may or may not have taken about 1000 picture of boats but I love boats and there were lots of beautiful sailboats sitting in the harbour. Plus there was coast guard station right there!If you've never been to Newport I HIGHLY recommend it. I had been one other time (besides when I grew up in The Breakers) with my family but that was a long time ago. It was nice to see it in full Autumn bloom with all the leaves turning too. It makes me love New England even more. Alicia B.
Lovely! University of a rhode Island is my son 's first choice in colleges. Hope he gets in. ' cause it is only 20 minutes from Newport and I have always wanted to go! Bon Weekend!
Oooo! Yeah I'll cross my fingers for him. I've love to have an excuse to go back every now and then! Have a great weekend! And happy birthday to your twins
Great Pictures!
Great pics...so glad your back on the blog-sphere.
Thanks ya'll! I'd go back there in an instant.
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