This weekend has been extremely relaxing but busy nonetheless. I had an entire corporate residence to design, math homework (eek), my little sister to spend lots of quality time with, and Black Friday deals to attend to! I got a moment to swing by and check up on my photography show in at Millrace Books in Farmington, CT and would love to share some of it with you!
The show is up for one more month at Millrace Books, but this month really flies! I am very grateful for the opportunity to be able to show my work to more than just my family and friends. You know, photography makes a great gift, too! If you want to check out more, go for a day trip to Farmington, or take a look at my website,
Alicia B.
Alicia B.
That last one is so amazing, Alicia!
Oh your work is GORGEOUS!!!!! I am so impressed!
i don't know who you are, where you come from, or where farmington is, but i do are uuuuumazing
Thanks ya'll! I really appreciate it!
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