This post I'll be using one of my fave designers, Christopher Maya as an example of somebody that I admire. He is understated, classic, traditional, and most importantly, economically appropriate. Everyone's been talking about being thrifty and cutting back because the economy is bad, and it's probably time to stop looking for the perfect $20,000 crystal chandelier that you want just to show off the fact that you could pay for it. Looking thrifty is in. I'm not saying dress in rags and live in a box, but be appropriate. Be tasteful. Enter Christopher Maya:

Clearly these are expensive interiors, but they are understated; that's what matters. I read a really cute article in the NYTimes HERE about wedding dresses and how it's now quite admirable to find a great deal on a dress. There are brides that are shopping at second hand dress stores and then having the dress tailored. Seems practical, right? Coming from New England (yes, a personal tidbit about me!), this concept of understatedness really makes sense. I used to be sad that we weren't driven to school in a Mercedes, but rather a Subaru, and that we didn't have a house on the shore but took vacations out west. Now these are the things that I love most about my childhood. We weren't poor, but my parents just didn't believe in decadence. You know, keep you're pearls on, but go shovel the driveway. Now, I love DIY projects. Making something on my own rather than having someone do it for me involves more time, but it is admirable and shows your strength, independence and resourcefulness. So, gone are the days of "bigger is better" and "I want that gold plated" because even if you have the wherewithal, it's looked down're tacky.
Alicia B.
Yes, those interiors you posted probably cost a small fortune - sometimes I think it costs even more to get the understated look, because each and every thing in the room must be just right.
But I get what you mean, and I love the sentiment of this post. I too grew up in New England (well, I spent my teenage years there), and I really admire people who live with restraint. My husband and I often comment that what people are waking up to in this day and age - living within your means - is how we have always lived our lives, and it is why we are in good shape now despite the ravages of the economy.
It will be interesting to see how the country adapts to this new era, and in particular how Atlanta adapts because it is not a town where people usually show much restraint.
so true... not only are you considered "tacky" if you have unnecessary decadance, but wasteful as well. I think it's interesting how when faced with an economical crisis, our country seems to pull together, and take a step back to a simpler place. We start to put more emphasis on the things that matter like family, TIME, and giving rather than receiving. I hope we stay in this "less is more" stage for a while. I rather like it.
Aww..that hiding place for the kids is sooo cute.. I liked your narrative on this post as well. Well written & I TOTALLY BELIEVE IN NOT SHOWING OFF EVEN WHEN YOU ARE RICH!
wow!this is good for investment:D
Totally agree with you on the living room with the blues & creams - sooo pretty & calming :)
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