Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Balloon Fail

I absolutely love balloons. I think they're whimsical, pretty, and remind us all of when nothing thrilled us more than holding a balloon on a sunny day.

Cup of Jo

So you go from something sweet and whimsical to THIS. BLAM.

I hate to be a negative Nelly but...are you kidding me with this table!? It is 500 balloons wrapped around a side table and sells for $215. Apparently designed by a design student (yay), this table now sells at Mxyplyzyk and Umbra. Eesh.

Alicia B.


Alicia said...

Whoa..that table is, um, well not my style. This is me being polite.
Umbra whatcha ya thinkin???
Love the balloons. My favorite image is on my current post.
Love yours too!!!

Tommy Bahama Bedding said...

Love the balloon photos, but that table is just sad (sorry, table designer).