In interior design there are many roles that you can take on: designer, shop girl/guy, buyer, stylist, etc. Most of the time nobody thinks a TON about the photographer for the designer. In magazines that we see, we all look through the beautiful pictures and comment on the selections by the designer but the photographer plays a very important role. They essentially put forth the vision of the designer. A few weeks ago, I blogged on the amazing designer Cheryl Tague and I had the privilege of talking with the photographer behind her work, Kate Cordsen. Enjoy/learn!

To an amateur photographer like myself, your work is incredibly inspiring. How did you get started in the business of interior design photography?
Thanks Alicia. In an incarnation before photography, I was trained as an art historian. This love and understanding of art extends to the decorative arts and to interiors. So when I went back to school for photography, it was natural for me to specialize in interiors.

Were you always interested in a career like this?
Photography has a wonderful democratic nature to it. We have all been taking and appreciating images since we were children. It has been a dream for me to take that interest and build it into a profession.

Where do you see your work in the next 5-10 years?
A photographer friend told me that I will be astonished at how my photography will evolve through the years. He was right. I am slowly segueing from commercial and editorial work to fine art photography. Five years ago I would have never guessed that I would be doing large abstract landscapes.

What advice would you offer to interior designers looking to make their space more appealing or marketable? or in general?
What I say to all interior designers who will listen is: document your work! You are artists and your art is ephemeral.

What do you find most exciting about interior spaces? Light ? Pattern? Placement of objects?
Like any photographer, I am attracted to light. This is true in interiors as well.

What attracts you to a space? Are you more interested in contemplative spaces? Playful spaces?
Every good interior needs to start with good architecture. I am most attracted to the foundation of a room: the floors, the windows, the molding, the light, than to any overall decoration.

What is the biggest mistake you see interior designers make in residential spaces?
It is more a mistake that the clients often make...which is not spending time and money on art.
Who are your favorite interior designers/artists?
As you know, inspiration comes in many forms. I am loving the unexpected feeling of community that has risen from the economic crisis. In the arts: Eudora Welty's short stories and photographs, Halston's designs from the 70s, and Whistler's landscapes all have a perfect though deceptive simplicity.
Kate is a mother of two, lives in NYC and Connecticut and is amazingly talented. As someone who is interested in both interior design and photography, this was truly a pleasure. I was an art history major as well...this bodes well for me. Ha. Check out Kate's work on her website HERE. Like she said above, she's moving into more fine arts photography and you can see her work at katecordsen.com. It's beautiful and mysterious. Thanks again, Kate! PS--all the pictures here are from her websites.
Alicia B.