have you ever seen an object that you thought was really amazing or beautiful and unique but never knew the name of it? Or did you ever see that object but call it by the wrong name for your entire life? That happened to me with this object, the universal ring dial. It was the symbol of my school growing up and we were incorrectly calling it an Astrolabe when it's really an equinoctial (or universal) ring dial! I think they are beautiful ancient objects and I've been seeing them quite often. 
Kasler used one on this writing table in the living room. I love the way that it's silhouetted against the window.

At school the ring dial was in the middle of a cobblestone courtyard in front of the main building and looked so charming.
Hoerr Schaudt uses it in the same way at the top of these steps in a garden. Brilliant and a nice change from an ancient stone sculpture.

This dining room has many beautiful and interesting objects. The ring dial is in the corner but certainly isn't invisible. By Gerald
Pomelroy via
Verdigris Vie.

Here is a close up of the above picture.
David Easton says that this is his favorite decorative object. What an interesting display of antique objects.
I think these would be a fun object to put in a bookcase display or a tablescape. Anywhere you put it though, it's sure to start an interesting conversation. Now I want one! Alicia B.
I saw those garden spheres, sundials (the name of these things was an LSAT word, I just don't remember the actual word, haha) at the antiques dealer last week. I thought-don't you think they would make a cool chandelier??!! Have a great one!
Hey Claire,
Those would make AMAZING chandeliers. You are so lucky to have such great access to antiques down there, you should make some...!
Great post! It is fun to find a decorative element in so many different kind of interiors.
Thanks for the tutorial :) I had no idea what it's name was.
oooo my parents have one of those in their garden! i allllllwiz called it an astrolabe. it sends my mom into a fit of giggles everytime. (tramp)
This dining room is simply Divine!! I love everything about it, from the wallpaper to the chandelier and the many gorgeous accessories! Totally FAB!
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