I recently came across this amazing wallpaper shop...in Sweden. While I'm heart broken that I do not live in Sweden, I enjoyed this wall paper so much that I had to share it. They are designed by an uber talented woman, Lena Hautoniemi. She designed all the wall paper and is also an artist! 
This is Silhouette in yellow. If t his doesn't make you want to live in Sweden, I don't know what would.

Can I live in this little cabin? Only if it has a wallpapered door. This gorgeous pattern is
Polypodium in light turquoise. I love the contrast of the rustic on the bright whimsical design.

The corner fireplace (swoon) is only made more beautiful by this large scale pattern,

Lena is very inspired by the nature in her surrounding environment as she lives right near Norway. This incredibly intricate pattern is called

I couldn't resist when I saw these daisies. How sweet! Appropriately named

This pattern reminds me of a skirt that I keep going back to at
Anthropologie...maybe it's a sign that I should just buy the skirt. Blue Lace.

Even though her patterns are super whimsical and organic, here is something a little bit different but equally as beautiful;
Blue Dots.

Just in case you weren't convinced, she's also an amazing artist. These little abstract scenes are so beautiful and captivating.
Having a Bath.

I just adore the colors in this one and the visible brushstrokes.
Spring Clothes.
I would love to use wall paper in my apartment but a) I'm secretly a wuss and b) I'm a renter. They would probably make me redo the entire room if I did it. I have big plans for a fun office or a powder room though with some really gorgeous wall paper. My favorite is the Bombay pattern. All these wall papers are available in many other lovely colors too. OH! And she also has
a blog! I can't read it because I don't know Swedish but the images are SO worth it. Thanks Lena!
Alicia B.
I too would love to use wallpaper, or to at least paint a wall in a bright hue. Sigh, the hardships of renting. Love the pictures!
So pretty, I love to look at wallpaper but I never buy it and put it up because I hate how limiting it can be. I like paint - changing your mind is only a few gallons away. Instead I download patterns I like and use them as wallpaper on my computer....
Ooohhh...I love the silhouette paper! It's so pretty & cheery :)
these wallpaper designs also make me want to live in sweden!
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