Have you ever been super inspired by an artist or just plain fallen in love with a certain artist? I've always felt a certain affinity for Henri Matisse ever since my first art history class in high school(that I took because of a crush on a teacher). There is something whimsical and beautiful about all of his paintings, cut outs and drawings. Not everyone can afford to have a painting or work by their favorite artist so why not do something in your home that is inspired by them? In my apartment I have a few black cut outs on my mirror that I made for a project in college and then put them on my mirror as a reminder. Matisse has inspired many things in interior design such as fabrics, color schemes, and furniture.

Maybe I love the bright and happy colors, or the cut outs, or the gorgeous interiors that he painted, or maybe I just loved the spirit that is emitted from each painting, but I've continued to love Matisse throughout all my art history studies. Plus he says brilliant things like, "What I dream of is an art of balance, of purity and serenity devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter." Thoughts?
Alicia B.
Alicia B.
Found Eric's House Beautiful in my mailbox when I got back from the beach, I love a mailbox full of a week's worth of mail. Anyway- he very bold and obviously as much an artist as a designer. I really enjoyed seeing his work and am glad to have him on the radar!
Have a great day-
That chair is divine, and the painting in the first pic really awesome. Very inspiring. Also letting everyone know I have a room makeover challenge going on over at my blog and would like as many people as possible to participate, to make it fun and interesting the limit is $200.00 for the room. Anyone interested come check it out.
The bedroom from Eric Cohler is my favorite. The layout is simple and warm, and the wall hangings adds variety and colors for the room.
Some great finds :) I love the Bungalow 5 cabinet & leaf cut out mobile - they're so pretty & fun.
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